Monday, March 22, 2010

Mac vs. PC

The video showed that Mac is better than PC computers, but it that true? All computers have disadvantages and advantages and at some point your computer will crash. Mac computers are more money than a PC, why is that? There are reasons that Mac are more money such as, Apple has hardware and software, and Macs are advertised so much that people think that a Mac is the best way to go for a computer. The company realizes that the Macs are well advertised and know that they will sell no matter what price they are, and the parts to the Mc computers cost so much money if one needs to be replaced.
So are Macs really the best? Well when buying a PC the Microsoft office comes with the computer. When you buy the PC computers you get the “licence” for using Microsoft. When Macs were first designed and became public they were known to be used for pictures in the media and PC’s were just a computer. PC’ s can be used for just about anything. When Mac is being studied there is always one point that is brought up and that it that the Mac has a more stable system.

The computers that people buy are their own opinion. People buy computers that they want. Yes, the advertisements that people see on TV or however it does affect their decision. Most people who have a computer know what type of computer they like and know what they would buy in the future. Whoever buys a computer, it is their choice what type they buy.

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