Friday, April 16, 2010


Google Chrome is a new browser that is said to be faster then all the rest. After using Google Chrome I have not noticed that much of a difference in speed. However, Google Chrome does look better and at the same time runs as fast (If not a little fater) than other browsers I have used. One of the things I really like about Google Chrome is that all your little downloads (too small to go on bitcomet or limewire) are saved for you under downloads and are also displayed on a small bar at the bottom of the screen. One of the things that I do not like about Google Chrome is that when you right click a picture it does not give you the option to set it as your back ground. You have to save it first and then click your download bar and then set it as your background. This results in alot of pictures cluttering up your downloads file. Other than this small flaw I enjoy Google Chrome and use it day to day for all my internet browsing.

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